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Cell Impact 將為歐洲領先工業供應商開發並供應原型模具

2024-07-02 17:45

瑞典卡爾斯庫加2024年7月2日 /美通社/ -- Cell Impact AB (publ) 已與一家業務遍佈全球多個市場領域的歐洲領先工業供應商簽署協議。

Cell Impact AB (publ) is a global supplier of advanced flow plates to fuel cell and electrolyzer manufacturers. The company has developed and patented a unique method for high velocity forming, Cell Impact Forming™ which is significantly more scalable and cost-efficient compared to conventional forming methods. Cell Impact Forming is an environmentally friendly forming technology that consumes no water and very little electrical power.
Cell Impact AB (publ) is a global supplier of advanced flow plates to fuel cell and electrolyzer manufacturers. The company has developed and patented a unique method for high velocity forming, Cell Impact Forming™ which is significantly more scalable and cost-efficient compared to conventional forming methods. Cell Impact Forming is an environmentally friendly forming technology that consumes no water and very little electrical power.

此次交易涉及一個原型模具,供客戶評估 Cell Impact Forming™ 技術。Cell Impact Forming™ 是 Cell Impact 特有且獲專利保護的技術,應用於流板的製造。此次交易再次印證了業界對 Cell Impact Forming 技術及其在流板生產方面優勢的濃厚興趣。

儘管該交易對 Cell Impact 的營運利潤影響有限,但這份協議為 Cell Impact 提供了一個寶貴的機會,使其能與在汽車、氫能、燃料電池和電解槽等關鍵行業擁有龐大且穩固網絡的工業供應商建立合作關係。

Daniel Vallin
Cell Impact AB (publ) 行政總裁及投資者關係聯絡人
+46730686620 或

關於 Cell Impact

Cell Impact AB (publ) 是一家為燃料電池和電解器製造商提供高階流場板的全球供應商。該公司已開發出一種獲得專利保護的獨特高速成型方法——Cell Impact Forming™。與傳統成型方法相比,這種方法具有顯著的可擴展性且更具成本效益。Cell Impact Forming 是一種環保技術,並不會消耗水且只使用少量電力。

Cell Impact 股票在納斯達克北方第一增長市場 (Nasdaq First North Growth Market) 上市,而 FNCA Sweden AB 是公司的認證顧問 (CA)。

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