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2022-01-18 16:30

上海2022年1月18日 /美通社/ -- 近日,據第三方機構公佈的數據,高合汽車HiPhi X 在2021年12月交付上險數為919輛,再次成為50萬以上豪華品牌電動車銷量榜冠軍,並在2021下半年度交付中,以3724輛超過保時捷、奔馳、紅旗等國內外豪華品牌,成為了下半年50萬以上豪華品牌電動車銷量榜的冠軍。自去年5月中旬開啟正式交付以來,僅7個月時間,高合HiPhi X交付量累計達4237輛,用戶覆蓋全國196個城市,並成為了首個拿下50萬以上豪華車細分市場月銷冠軍的中國品牌

As a company, Human Horizons is dedicated to creating vehicles that combine both the latest in technological innovation with premium-quality luxury comforts, defining a new segment of cars, TECHLUXE®. Underpinning the HiPhi brand of vehicles are three guiding principles, design defined by features, vehicles defined by software, and value defined by co-creation.
As a company, Human Horizons is dedicated to creating vehicles that combine both the latest in technological innovation with premium-quality luxury comforts, defining a new segment of cars, TECHLUXE®. Underpinning the HiPhi brand of vehicles are three guiding principles, design defined by features, vehicles defined by software, and value defined by co-creation.

為更好地服務廣大用戶,高合汽車正全力以赴快速佈局,西部軟件研發基地落戶成都、上海運營中心正式投入運營,將進一步夯實高合的研發和運營實力。高合汽車已經完成了37家高合體驗店HiPhi Hub和17家高合交付中心的渠道建設,並在全國設立了155個服務網點,覆蓋147個城市。同時,高合充電服務正式完成星星充電和小桔充電的接入,已完成全國500多個城市、超27萬根樁的充電網絡佈局。

消息來源: 華人運通
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