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Allot Communications 完成對 Oversi Networks 的收購

2012-09-04 21:23

以色列 Hod Hasharon 2012年9月4日電 /美通社/ --

Allot 現讓營運商能夠通過將緩存與一整套影像服務進行整合來實施全方位影像策略

為固網和流動數據網絡提供服務優化和創造收入解決方案的全球領先供應商 Allot Communications Ltd. (NASDAQ: ALLT) 今天宣佈,該公司已完成對 Oversi Networks 的收購。Oversi 是一間為互聯網的影像(video)和對等通訊(P2P)提供富媒體緩存和內容交付解決方案的全球供應商。有關此次收購的協議已於2012年7月31日公佈。

此次對 Oversi Networks 的收購可進一步整合最廣泛而關鍵的增值服務於行業領先的Allot Service Gateway 中,從而大大提升 Allot 的願景。Allot 現讓營運商能夠透過將緩存與影像優化、分析以及與政策和計費系統之間的緊密整合,實施一個有策略性和全面的影像服務。Allot Service Gateway 為全球無線和有線服務供應商迅速有效地帶來新的收入來源以及有效率地管理日益擴大的影像流量(video traffic)。

Oversi 的創新型緩存和加速解決方案可幫助固網和流動服務供應商緩解與互聯網影像流量有關的嚴重網絡擁塞。該公司的技術可確定受歡迎的內容,並將其緩存到網絡中,從而有效地節省昂貴的頻寬費用;縮短視像交付中的等候時間,讓營運商能夠有效地將氾濫的影像的流量轉化為盈利。最終的結果是用戶觀看網上影片的體驗 (QoE) 得到顯著改善。迄今,Oversi 的解決方案已獲得一些大中型服務供應商採用。

Allot 簡介

Allot Communications Ltd. (NASDAQ: ALLT) 是面向全球固網和流動寬頻網絡以及大型企業提供智能型 OTT (over-the-top) 互聯網流量優化和貨幣化解決方案的領先供應商。Allot Service Gateway 通過單一平臺為服務供應商提供廣泛的增值服務,包括分析、政策控制、視像優化、視像緩存和計費,這些對於管理固定和流動數據、提升用戶體驗、抑制營運成本以及讓服務供應商能夠通過其寬頻網絡創收至關重要。Allot 豐富的解決方案組合利用動態行為識別技術 (DART) 將寬頻傳輸管道轉變成可迅速和高效部署增值互聯網服務的智能網絡。查詢詳情,請瀏覽:

This press release is a convenience translation. Only the original English version is authoritative and binding.

Safe Harbor Statement

Information provided in this press release may contain statements relating to current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections about future events that are "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements generally relate to the company's plans, objectives and expectations for future operations, including without limitation the company’s integration vision and expected revenues and operating expenses in connection with the acquisition described in this press release. These forward-looking statements are based upon management's current estimates and projections of future results or trends. Actual future results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks and uncertainties. These factors include, but are not limited to: the integration of Oversi Networks’ technology, business, and operations with those of the company, increased demand for video optimization solutions in mobile networks, changes in general economic and business conditions and, specifically, a decline in demand for the company’s products; the company’s inability to develop and introduce new technologies, products and applications; loss of market; and other factors are discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the company's annual report on Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These forward-looking statements are made only as of the date hereof, and the company undertakes no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Jay Kalish


Maya Lustig

消息來源: Allot Communications Ltd.
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